Sunday, September 30, 2007.
8:02 PM
okay for the exams there wont be visual arts!but i think there will be D&T replacing it.tell me if i am wrong alrights?HAHA!okay luhh must study & all the best.AFTER THE EOYS we will try to organize for now STUDY!okay JIAYOUS!:)
the 2peace family!
music. the drug everyone is addicted to.
Monday, September 24, 2007.
7:58 PM
again exams information:
monday 1 october:literature(1h30mins)
tuesday 2 october:paper 1-mother tongue(chinese)(1h30min)
wednesday 3 october:geography(2h)
:visual art(2h)
thursday 4 october:EL paper 1(50 mins)
: 8.00-8.50
:paper 2(1h)
for this part i am not so sure of the timing.sorry!
friday 5 october:history(2h)
monday 8 october:science(2h)
tuesday 9 october:maths paper 1(1h15min)
:maths paper 2(1h30min)
thats for the days & timing.(:
chapters to study...
all subjects study the whole book.
special stuffs.
literature page 55-107(the 1943 part)
history MCQ chapter 1-10
source based & structure questions chapter 6-10.
geography chapter 1: not so important
chapter 2:dont study will die.
chapter 3:better study
chapter 4:dont study will die.
chapter 5:dont study will die
chapter 6:not so important.
chapter 7:better study
chapter 8:dont study will die.
chapter 9:dont study will die.
chapter 10:no need study for ozone depletion.
good luck for eoys next week!JIAYOUS!
music. the drug everyone is addicted to.
12:10 AM
oh yeah!! i just rmebered something!! gotta do an 'ad'(i'm sure all of you rmb this XD)
buy a smart car for ms foo today!!!
lol! hahaha i gt nth to do so i decided to do this lol
*note this is only for fun*
music. the drug everyone is addicted to.
Saturday, September 22, 2007.
10:56 AM
ok ppl ope ya'll did well for your test ya? about one more week to the exams!!!!!jiayou!!! after that we can go skating liao XD anyways god luck for your EOYE!!!!
music. the drug everyone is addicted to.
Sunday, September 16, 2007.
9:55 PM
okayy i am not sure if its alittle too late telling you this.
the tests of the week,
chapter 12-14
history:chapter 9
here must study.lols.
& EOY are in 14 days!2weeks only must jiayous!
the chapters to study i will post up soon.once i know all.
but i think should be must study ALL THE all the best!
music. the drug everyone is addicted to.