Wednesday, August 27, 2008.
9:10 PM
in random order. :D

after sentosa at vivo! MUSCLE MAN! xD

*stares at geraint*

WILSON! our best friend for the day! :D

girls toilet view. xD


*stares at geraint AGAIN*

nice frisbee face, timo.

i told you i dont have much! cause we were too busy playing PLUS we didnt want to dirty pur phone/cameras.
so yeah, update next time. sorry, i really tired.
i rock we stone they pebble.
music. the drug everyone is addicted to.
Sunday, August 24, 2008.
4:44 PM
hello peepos! :D
i've been pretty free this few days. so came over to update this space.
anyways, bet most of you got back your results, whether its good or bad. its already over.
if its bad, work harder to make it better.
if its good, then be better than just good.
i'll try to update as & when i'm free, so dont worry about it being a dead blog.
but those that have the password & username login & just update can?
cause i dont think i'll have much time during the sep holidays anyways.
this blog is becoming really wordy.
so peektures to the rescueeee! :D
well i dont have much anyways.

"the gate to sun, sea,sand & seaweeds" copied from joyce.

entrance card
the important thing which enables you to pass through that gate.

we're finally hereeee! :D
fyi, its WE <3 2PEACE! :D
its taken at different timing, i know you can see that.
sorry for the very small peekture. its edited. :D
anyways, thats all for now.
there're more peektures up with lijing. i'll get it from her ASAP! :D
credits to joyce for these peektures.
to those who didnt go, TOO BAD!
nah, i'm not that mean. i dont know when we'll be able to go again. i'll try my best!
i rock we stone they pebble!Labels: SENTOSA
music. the drug everyone is addicted to.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008.
2:18 PM
so people
tmr's the end of the common test 2 for everyone.
change of plans!
we've decided to go to sentosa instead of bishan park. :D
if you're able to go.
please meeet at 1045 at bishan mrt!
bring a minimium amount of 3 bucks (entrance fee)
& extra clothings. unless you dont mind going home wet.
& bring whatever you think you need luh. you're a kid NO MORE. :D
if it rains, we'll be watching a movie at vivo. :D
meanwhile, enjoy your stress-free lives. :D
i re-edited this damn post for 3 freaking times already!
music. the drug everyone is addicted to.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008.
10:08 PM
heyho, people.
since i wanted to take a break from all that studying i decided to blog here. :D
so, exams are halfway through!
on the bright side, NO MORE STRESS. for a while. -.-
on the negative side, EOY's also coming.
can you see it waving? :/
nevermind, i know we can all get through all this dumb exams & make our way to poly/JC of our choice! :D
the tagboard is filled with ' we cant graduate together afterall."
although some of us will be graduating later. it doesnt matter. its the memories, right? we can have some 2 peace07 outings even after we leave the school. so, no worries. just concentrate on your exams. :D as for gabriel, i cant do anything as well. he's gone to cheena land. maybe when he's back or something?
so anyways, my motive for coming here is to say..
to those who think they didnt do as well as they should for the previous few papers. dont dwell about that paper anymore. put them behind & MOVE ON! do better for the next paper! :D
(okay, i'm one of them)
i rock, we stone, they pebble! :D
music. the drug everyone is addicted to.
Sunday, August 03, 2008.
11:30 AM
hahaha i've haven't been posting and i'm here to help you de-stress and rest from those exam thingy which jh is posting about XD so...i shall post a picture which will make you scream!!! XD

.....look at marcus!!!! flat hair!!! entertaining right!!! tsk if you wanna delete it...hmm..ask jh XD should know who i am XD
music. the drug everyone is addicted to.